Rising Sun


I finally secured a break in the Japanese rainy season to begin a project I’ve had on my board of “Ideas to Shoot” for a long time.  The images are part of a campaign concept I pitched to an outdoor company whom I love.  They are a small but prolific boutique shop that crafts fantastic custom work and so I wanted the individuality of the user experience to come across.

I wanted to share this photo of the model and my good friend Nobu san who was kind enough to sit for 4 hr in makeup and then let me drive him into the mountains looking this way.  We almost got in an accident laughing at the reaction of two girls at a bus stop whom Nobu surprised.  Thank you Nobu you are so gracious and amazing.  Know I have a bottle of single malt with your name on it.

I am leaving in 9 days for an epic adventure into the backcountry of the Weminuche wilderness with my father and brother but when I return I am excited to finish this project with the other four other athletes here in Japan.